This is a list of several important presentations and articles by FKI members, or some of their partners.
IMPORTANT: please note that, as of 2021/12/15, the files still have cryptic names, and are only sorted by reverse upload date, because the files were automatically restored, and the list below automatically generated from their names, from old backups of a different version of the website. This is why, for example, there are apparently duplicate entries: they actually refer to PDF and ODP versions of the same document. Time permitting, the entries of the list below will be given more meaningful names.
- 2018/11/29: La Comunificadora English
- 2018/03/14: CommonsCloud SobTec
- 2018/03/12: Jornada IoT JEClot 13032018
- 2017/12/21: Fitxa Mod5 Governana
- 2017/12/20: Intro EcoColProcomuns LaCo2 Gracia 20D17
- 2017/11/30: Poltiques de compartir coneixement II
- 2017/11/30: 20171130 Presentacio Capsula LaCo Ingressos
- 2017/11/29: Mod3 Fitxa Models Negoci
- 2017/11/28: Taller 3 Models de sotenibilitat procom
- 2017/11/28: Analisis Models Negoci LaCo2
- 2017/11/22: Mod2 Llicncies drets i llibertats CoopPlataforma
- 2017/11/22: Mod1 PlatformCoop Intro Presentaci(1)
- 2017/11/21: Fitxa Mod2 Llicencies formaci v0.9
- 2017/11/21: Fitxa Mod1 Intro v0.9
- 2017/11/20: Llice?ncies, drets i llibertats
- 2017/11/20: Comunicacio? LaCo
- 2017/11/16: Presentaci La Comunificadora EN OSfest2017
- 2017/11/06: Analisis Models Negoci LaCo2 20171102
- 2017/10/24: Intro Eines LaCo2 20171024
- 2017/10/24: Intro EcoColProcomuns LaCo2 20171024
- 2017/10/10: programaEnUnFull
- 2017/10/09: Dossier info programa LaCo 2017
- 2017/10/06: Intro Procomuns LaCo2 Engega 20171009
- 2017/10/05: Dossier La Comunificadora2016
- 2017/06/28: Procomuns Open Business Models 28062017
- 2017/05/09: Carta Procs participatiu Collaborativa
- 2017/03/16: FemProcomuns Presentaci Introductoria 20170313
- 2017/03/08: Presentaci Procomuns Introductoria 20170308
- 2017/01/26: Comunificadora BizModels 20170127
- 2017/01/26: Comunificadora BizModels 20170127
- 2016/11/25: TardorTIC Sobirania Tecnologica WTebbens 20161124
- 2016/11/11: Informe Smart.City.Commons 2
- 2016/11/09: mod1 Comunificadora WTebbens 20161108
- 2016/11/04: Cooperativa Economia Comuns v03cat
- 2016/10/24: mod0 Comunificadora WTebbens 20161025
- 2016/10/24: mod0 Comunificadora WTebbens 20161025
- 2016/09/13: Cooperativa Economia Comuns v02cat
- 2016/09/13: Cooperativa Economia Comuns v02cat 0
- 2016/09/07: Cooperativa Economia Comuns v02cat
- 2016/09/06: Cooperativa Economia Comuns
- 2016/08/10: Commons Economy Network v0.2
- 2016/08/10: Commons Economy Incubator 0
- 2016/08/10: Commons Economy Coop 0
- 2016/07/29: Commons Economy Network
- 2016/07/29: Commons Economy Incubator
- 2016/07/29: Commons Economy Coop
- 2016/07/15: Resum Exec Smart.City.Commons
- 2016/07/15: Informe SmartCity Commons v1.0
- 2016/07/15: Informe SmartCity Commons Part2 v1.0
- 2016/06/12: OSCEdays models negoci 20160611
- 2016/05/23: Multiple Regimes of Value IASC Berna
- 2016/05/23: IASC 2016 soliTerreV4
- 2016/05/23: DigitalCommons IASC
- 2016/05/23: DiDIY and DigitalCommons IASC
- 2016/05/23: 20160513 IASC DigitalCommons
- 2016/05/06: Democratitzaci Ciutat Inteligent 20160505
- 2016/05/03: ThingsNetwork Barcelona 20160311
- 2016/05/03: Some Proposals Networked Production and Consumption
- 2016/05/03: Some Proposals Networked Open Fab Labs 20160311
- 2016/05/03: DiDIY Rights Obligations WTebbens CCE BCN 20160312
- 2016/04/29: DossierETS
- 2016/04/28: eReuse Curs Innovacio Social EN
- 2016/04/28: Entorno Rehogar7
- 2016/04/28: Curs Innovaci SOCIAL FundacioCIM
- 2016/04/27: Curs InnoSoc Bgov WTebbens 2 20160428
- 2016/04/27: Curs InnoSoc Bgov WTebbens 1 20160428
- 2016/03/18: Produccin colaborativa FabSost 2016307
- 2016/02/25: Democratitzar els mitjans de producci2
- 2015/11/18: ThingsNetwork FabLabBCN 20151116
- 2015/11/18: FablabComuns Xavier Pi 20151116
- 2015/09/30: SELF starter.v1
- 2015/09/30: SELF Platform Definition D4 v0.6
- 2015/09/30: SELF Keynote FKFT Wouter Tebbens
- 2015/09/30: OSD
- 2015/09/30: openSE organizational framework
- 2015/09/30: OpenSE Content Framework v1.0
- 2015/09/30: FSD
- 2015/09/30: EMD
- 2015/09/30: Deliverable D7 WP7 v1.1
- 2015/09/30: D8 WP8 QA Mechanisms
- 2015/09/30: D6 SELF Platform v1.0
- 2015/09/30: D5 SELF Platform version0.7
- 2015/09/30: D3 WP4 v1.0
- 2015/09/30: D2 WP3
- 2015/09/30: D1 WP2
- 2013/07/22: Money Stream break out sessions LS 1
- 2012/03/06: FKI Letter to TradePub re FTA Coursebooks 2012 03 06
- 2011/08/11: Programma Internationale Prijs 2011 09 12
- 2011/05/02: FTA vision 2011 04 04
- 2011/05/02: FTA vision 2011 04 04
- 2011/02/28: FTM project abstract
- 2010/10/07: The Knowledge Society a freedom centered perspective
- 2010/10/01: FKI response EC consultation net neutrality
- 2010/08/24: ACTA brief def
- 2009/07/24: Brief Vrije Technologie Onderwijs OCW
- 2009/06/02: Free Software Pact NL
- 2009/05/01: VTO presentatie 24april
- 2009/05/01: VTO presentatie 24april
- 2009/02/19: Telecom package coalition paper en WEB
- 2009/02/05: FreeTechnologyAcademy abstract v1.4
- 2008/10/02: oxcars eng
- 2008/01/13: Freedom to Share Knowledge