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The Free Knowledge & Free Technology Conference (FKFT) is the first international event that focuses on the production and sharing of free educational and training materials about Free Software. It aims to:

  1. present the SELF Platform, a community platform for the collaborative creation and sharing of free educational and training materials on Free Software and Open Standards;
  2. share best practices and success stories on Free Software from governmental, educational and corporate sectors; and
  3. discuss current trends and future projects.

Organised by the Open University of Catalonia, the Free Knowledge Institute and the SELF Consortium, the FKFT2008 will bring together representatives of governments, schools, universities, training organisations, IT companies, publishers as well as non-profit and public sector organisations from many different countries. By gathering all these parties, we expect to stimulate the present and future collaboration between diverse disciplines, sectors and countries around projects on Free Software.

The Conference will be held in Barcelona between the 15th and the 17th of July 2008. Richard M. Stallman (GNU Project and Free Software Foundation), Karel De Vriendt (EC/IDABC), Carlos Castro (Extremadura Government), Steven Downes (National Research Council Canada) and many more well known speakers will form the elegant mix between keynote speakers, panel discussions and parallel tracks.

Participants choose between several parallel discussions, divided in streams on:

  1. Free Knowledge and Free Technologies in society - legal issues of Free Knowledge; who creates Free Knowledge; quality assessment in collaborative authoring systems; the economy and social implications of Free Knowledge and Free Technologies
  2. Free Knowledge and Free Technologies in public bodies, co-organised with CENATIC - case studies and success stories; development of Free Software within public bodies; interoperability; licensing and legal issues.
  3. Educating in Freedom, including a workshop of the FLOSSCom Project - technological aspects of e-learning; the SELF Platform; training Free Technologies advocates; showcase of free educational materials; the future of education.

For more information, check the Conference site.
