Comunificadora second edition, here are the chosen projects

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(Pictures of La Comunificadora meeting, 24 October 2017 are available on Wikimedia Commons)

La Comunificadora is the Commons and Collaborative Economy projects support programme by Barcelona Activa, developed by Free Knowledge Institute and others, which launched its second edition a few weeks ago. The projects chosen this time show the scope of La Comunificadora, and how the same programme may be deployed in any other country. More complete descriptions of the several projects are available in the Catalan and Spanish translations of this post.

Technical, social and civic education proposal based on assembly and usage in public spaces of drones, built with Open Hardware and Free Software and controllable with any smartphone. Educaires promotes an open, democratic and inclusive world, which is also safe and stimulating, creating synergies between citizens and technologies, in order to utilize local air spaces in respectful manners.

Equipaments lliures
This project creates a model of supply and management of local digital services that are ethical, replicable and based on free technologies. The project also provides the corresponding education and professional training. An already ongoing field test in partnership with the Lleialtat Sansenca cooperative in Barcelona, which thanks to it got digital discussion and storage service for its members, based on Free Software like Discourse and NextCloud, will serve as model for future installments.

A new company that provides a full range of ICT services (hardware, sotware development, training, consultancy…) all based on Free Software and other similar technologies.

Van WooW
A collaborative platform for a new model of itinerant tourism. Van WooW connects the owners of campers and motor-caravans with those of places that may host them.

“Residus industrials, transformació en recurs”
An organisation that transforms industrial waste in resources, partly making the raw materials available for production, and partly trying to reuse old equipment, or transform them in new products.

Dictionary of Social Economy and Tecnopolitics
Creation of a dictionary that documents, in a systematic way, the terms and practices used in the new modes of social self-organization and politics participation in the knowledge society. The goal is to give all citizens a standard terminology, validated by professionals, that they can use to both understand and create training programs, and other content, in the sectors of education, economy and politics participation.

Workshop aimed to transform educational spaces and promote pedagogical innovation through the reuse and self-production of educational resources, with the participation of the whole community (teachers, students, parents, technicians, and everybody else)

An application to sell, buy or rent houses and apartments without intermediaries, which includes all the tools needed to create a formal contract, and stay up to date with the housing policies in Barcelona. The project has the potential to transform the rules of the local real estate market, by being closer to the real economic and social needs of all the involved citizens, and enabling them to cooperate.

Ensenya el Cor
A platform to measure the social impact and responsibilities of many economic activities, which takes into account the differences among industrial sectors, as well as the “social balance” and other relevant indicators of a healty solidarity economy. Ensenya el Cor allows all the organizations in this sector to self-evaluate their activities, according to criteria like democracy, equality, environmental impacts and so on, and to immediately share, or analyze in aggregated form, all the data collected through the process.

A platform for “musical sovereignty”, that helps single musicians, or whole bands, to meet and organize themselves.

Niu Ment
This company provides bioclimatic consulting services for design, rebuilding and restructuring of urban spaces, in order to make them accessible, sustainable and in afullharmony with their surroundings. The goal of Niu Ment is to improve the quality of life of a community, while helping its members to be ready for a new cultural paradigm based on sustainability and abundance.

A cooperative for shipping parcels at the city level, born out of the fights for workers rights, and new relationships between workers and companies. RidersxDerechos aims to favour virtuous, ethical work, with flexible schedules and fair, adequate pay. RidersxDerechos also promotes sustainable mobility, through a platform for byciclists and motocyclists, with the final goal to use electric vehicles. The cooperatives also provides extra services for people with reduced mobility.

Biruka’s goal is to offer concrete, alternative models of financial support, beyond volunteering and direct donations, to solidarity initiatives of all kinds. Biruka does this by enabling direct contact and collaboration among 1) experts willing to support solidarity projects, and make of them stimulating experiences for all citizens; 2) the citizens that want to support some project and 3) the promoters of those projects, also when seeking for investors.

El camí més verd
An online map to find the greenest path for city errands or tours, living and managing green urban spaces as Commons. Its effect is to convert urban mobility in occasions to connect with nature, and involve all citizens in regeneration of urban vegetation. Al the users can dynamically complete and update the map, adding geolocalized pictures and other data they collect while moving.

Prosume Energy
A blockchain-based system that enable direct, p2p exchange of energy among its users, promoting and accelerating new models for production and distribution of energy.

Find here a introductory presentation of the Comunificadora programme 2017.